November 2017 Meeting notes

November 2017 Meeting notes

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The Bulldog Club of Greater Seattle Minutes
November , 2017

The Bulldog Club of Greater Seattle
Meeting Minutes
November 19, 2017

Members Present: Dave and Cathy Harrington, Leonard and Trish Whitney, Sandy Fisher, Winn Ryman, Tamara Marcotte, Melanie Trichler, Jay Serion
Guests: Vicky Langager, Danica Smith, Sincirin Sou
Educational Instruction: None
Meeting Called to Order by Vice-President Dave Harrington at 10:11 am. Tamara Marcotte took minutes in the absence of the secretary.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: M/S/C to approve agenda once three agenda items were moved from unfinished business to new business
CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING: October meeting minutes were approved via email.
Report of President: Gail Harris
November 2017 President’s report
I want to begin by thanking David Harrington for all of his hard work while I was traveling in October. He stayed in communication with everyone and worked hard to make sure that meetings and events went smoothly, as well as heading up the nominating committee. The slate of nominees looks wonderful and while my health won’t allow me to be as involved as I have been, I plan to be available to help out in small ways as needed.
One of the places I was traveling to in October was the 2017 BCA National Bulldog Specialty Show in St Charles, IL. We had a great time and learned some things about the upcoming 2018 National Show. It seems that the planning committee for this show, while during the bidding process, signed a contract with a Hilton Hotel in Minneapolis, MN., that was unrealistic. By the time the BCA Officers realized this and stepped in, the hotel was unwilling to renegotiate any of the numbers that were agreed to. The original committee has stepped away from hosting and BCA has stepped in to try to help this show come off without losing too much money. Robin Stansell, who many of you know, has stepped up to be the show chair. There is a Facebook page dedicated to the 2018 BCA National Specialty Show that has current information and communication from Robin. One of the suggestions has been that each of the local clubs create and donate a basket of local treats to be raffled with proceeds going to help pay for the show. While I know that attending a national show is expensive, if there ever was a time to go, it’s now. BCA needs us to all pitch in to help make this show a success. Please also know that the officers of BCA and its long range planning committee are moving quickly to insure that this situation does not happen again.
Report of Vice President: David Harrington
Thank you all for attending. I would like to thank everyone for what they have done this year. It reminds me off what they said on the ship I was stationed on. You can accomplish a lot of things with a small group of people. Especially when you all work for the greater good. I want to thank Sandy, Tamara and Trish for the Halloween party. Big thanks to Sandy for getting Rescue involved. I think there involvement with us will help us grow.
Report of Secretary: Jeff or Sherri
No report
Report of Treasurer: Sandy Fisher
Not much activity for October. Currently we are sitting at a loss of $2,600 for the year. The main expenditures were the Specialty Show (net loss of approx. $1,100), final expenses for 2016 BCA National Show ($775) and insurance premiums ($645). Hopefully a renewed focus on fundraisers will help out in 2018.
No Report
No Report
Legislation Liaison
No Report
Newsletter: Tamara Marcotte
The newsletter is just about ready to send out; just waiting on a couple items. Will have it out within the next week.
Public Education:
Dave Harrington mentioned that their vet has told them to worm our dogs every six month. They have been seeing hookworms in the area.

2018 Specialty Show: Jay Serion
The specialty show will be held in July in conjunction with the Western Washington Cluster to be held at the Western Washington Fairgrounds in Puyallup, Washington. Friday will hold sweepstakes and specialty with concurrent specialty shows Saturday and Sunday with Sunday show being a BCA Generic Specialty.
Judges will be:
Sweeps: Crystal Bennett
Friday: Dara Carr
Saturday: Zach Lane
Sunday: John Little
All Breed Judges:
Tim Catterson, Jon Cole, and Mark Kennedy

Running with The Bulldogs t-shirts: Sandy Fisher
Sandy contacted to discuss pricing for the t-shirts. Being a double-sided t-shit increases costs a little so the larger quantity we can purchase, the better the cost. The customer service rep mentioned a way to get our club logo onto the shirt may be to add it to the back of the neck. That has become a more popular option these days and does not increase the price. Sweatshirts are available but are pricey so we may wish to offer a pre-sale and just print what is ordered.
Jay Serion mentioned that he had a contact in Mexico that may also be able to print shirts. Jay is will send the logo design to the vendor to see what they could come up with as well. This will enable a comparison and possibly get them at a less expensive price.
Discussion was held regarding making towels for prizes for our specialty. Maybe having the bulldogs on them with. Something like the Oregon club did. See if we can get a volunteer to look at cost Jay said that he would get in touch with Donny Rudyk about towel trophies.
• Obedience and rally event in Bow Washington on December 9th. Cheryl Knapp is promoting it… thought it was on our web site and Facebook site. Cheryl still needs ring stewards or any volunteers. Winn Ryman and Vicky Langager will be helping and Melanie Trichler may also be able to steward. Not sure what we need from club members! May need to help transport judge from Lynwood? Will wait to hear from Jeff Ryman if transportation will be required for the judge.
• Facebook Admins: Sandy Fisher is working on cleaning up the Admins that are on the Facebook page and adding any new ones. She will work with Mia Carper soon to get going on more relevant posts of events and educational type material.

2018 Calendar of Events
• 2018 Membership Renewals: Sandy Fisher: I am working on revising the Dues Renewal forms and will get those mailed out to members shortly.
• Nominations of 2018 Officers: The nominating committee provided the following slate for the 2018 Officers and Board Members:
o President: Dave Harrington
o Vice-President: Tricia Whitney
o Secretary: Tamara Marcotte
o Treasurer: Sandy Fisher
o Board Members: Cathy Harrington, Leonard Whitney, Mia Carper
Additional nominations may be made at the November meeting. Jeff Ryman and Jay Serion were nominated to board member positions with both accepting the nominations. Voting for the officers and board members will take place during the December meeting.

• New Member Letters: Sandy and Tamara worked on coming up with a letter that can be sent to new members once approved. Sandy will get the letter (along with a Christmas Party flyer) sent out to our October new members shortly. Would also like to come up with some other information that could be sent to new members. What is available in our handouts that would be appropriate?

• Suggestion for next year possibly some Good Citizen Agility and Obedience classes. This will help the non-show club members. Sandy mentioned the possibility of doing a meet the trainer class and monthly meet up to get ready for taking the CGC Test.

• The BCA gives out awards for new Champions. Dave Harrington suggested we do the same thing for club members. These would be not just for Champions but any new title. Cost should be 15 dollars or less. Will consider what the cost for a small plaque would be similar to what BCA does at the division level.

• Ryder for OSBC: The OSBC would like for us to place them on our insurance policy. They will pay our club 50 to do this. I would like to know what could we lose if something happens at their show. This topic was tabled until next month to gather more information.

• 2019 Show Back to Red Lion. Not sure if everyone has had a chance to read the Email form Jeff Ryman. He is purposing that in 2019 we team up with OSBC. Not sure of the cost as it is really far out the shows at the Red Lion have been fun. I think the cost will be split between clubs. This should help us and the OSBC club. M/S/C to pursue the proposal of the 2019 show back to the Red Lion in Olympia.

• Bulldog Club Christmas party. The suggestion has been brought up that we use the gift exchange for rescue. This is manly for Oregon Rescue. Maybe we could bring gift cards from PetSmart. It was suggested and agreed that if we did an exchange it should benefit our local rescue.
Ellen Putman
Danica Smith
Sincirin Sou

Upcoming Shows and Events
Meeting adjourned: 11:59 am
Date of Next Meeting – Christmas Party, Saturday December 2, at 6pm

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